Our Monthly School Newsletter is accessible under the "Newsletter" tab. Be sure to check it out!
In September 2016, ÉCS piloted a "paperless" communication plan for our school families. Newsletters, activity notices, meal day orders, etc. are all sent home electronically. It's an awesome process and saves on the school paper and photocopying budget!
Parents & Guardians - if you feel you are not getting communication (via email) from school, please do not hesitate to contact us so we can investigate! We can verify what email address you have on file. We want to be sure everyone is getting our correspondence!
Also, if you do not have a printer at home and there is a tearslip that needs to be returned to school, you can simply write a note with the specifics and turn that in.
Your feedback is important to us. Please call us if you have any concerns, or email centennial_school@chinooksd.ca.